About Hotel La Vista Azul
Modest luxury, privacy, and value in Turks and Caicos
So much more than the average hotel, La Vista Azul provides all the amenities of a private vacation rental with the convenience and services of a resort property. Featuring stunning hilltop views of world-renowned Grace Bay, we strive to provide the ultimate Caribbean vacation for the best value.
Secluded and Mediterranean in style, choose from a range of affordable accommodations at Hotel La Vista Azul. Room types range from sleek studios to full suites, featuring amenities such as built in kitchens, laundry facilities and large balconies. You’ll find it easy to call Hotel La Vista Azul your home away from home with views you can’t find elsewhere!
Our hotel boasts two rooftop pools, two hot tubs, a fitness center, commercial plaza, restaurant and bar, and more. And at just a 4-minute walk from famous Grace Bay Beach, enjoy the relaxation of a beach vacation with the privacy of our quiet location—it’s the best of both worlds.
If you’re looking to explore both above water and below, Turtle Cove Marina is just a short walk away for planning your adventures.
Whatever style getaway you’re looking for, find it at Hotel La Vista Azul.